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The Best Books of Dale Garnegie (Set of 5) – How To Enjoy Your, Develop Self Confidence, Influence People and Many More

Best of Dale Carnegie Books For Personality Development (Set of 5)

  • How To Stop Worrying & Start Living,
  • How To Enjoy Your Life & Your Job,
  • How To Develop Self Confidence & Influence People,
  • The Quick & Easy Way To Effective Speaking, &
  • How to Win Friends & Influence People

These books are written with a deep concern for the pain, difficulty and struggle of human existence. It teaches the cultivation of peace of mind, not as an escape from life into protected quiescence, but as a power centre out of which comes driving energy for constructive personal and social living. It teaches positive thinking, not as a means to fame, riches or power, but as the practical application of faith to overcome defeat and accomplish worthwhile creative values in life.

This is a period of transition in how teenagers think, feel, and interact with others, as well as in how their minds develop. The years between the ages of 15 and 18 can be crucial in helping your teen mature and develop the skills necessary to become a responsible adult.

This is also an important time to prepare for more independence and responsibility; many teenagers start working, and many will be leaving home soon after high school. Understanding your teen’s development can help you parent successfully during adolescence. Our books can assist in developing and moulding them for the future, to make each individual a better human being in general. However, most of the books in this collection are classified as chapter books. As a family read-aloud, these books would be ideal for newly independent readers as well as older children.

Ages – 15+ Years


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