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30 Where? Flashcards | Learn prepositions-by brainy bug resources

Quantity 492 in stock

30 cards to teach how to answer ‘Where?’ questions using the most important position words (prepositions). Prepositions (such as in,on, under) are essential parts of sentences. Without these, children will struggle with even simple instructions like ‘Put it near the table’. More importantly, they are important parts of classroom instructions (for example, ‘Put that on my desk’), and important parts of mathematical and scientific understanding (for example, ‘Take the next number in the line’). Prepositions also help make longer, more complex sentences.
Our flashcards have been designed to be used with even very young children. They have been designed by child development specialists and therefore closely follow developmental order. This means that children learn language in a very specific sequence; to maximise learning, this order needs to be maintained. All our products are built around the developmental sequence.
Our cards have especially been developed for use in the Indian context. Each image has been designed to remind a child of the real world around them. Use our flashcards as a part of everyday learning. You can also build fun games around flashcards (such as in a memory game) to create additional learning opportunities.
Our flashcards are a brilliant resource for special needs teachers and speech therapists. As a professional, you will find that they meet your teaching needs in very specific ways.
To add more fun to your child’s learning, you can also download and play the Brainy English app on Google Play Store for more fun and games using the card.

Dimensions 14.5 × 10 cm

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