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30 Action Words in Future Tense, learn sentence structure and grammar

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A deck of 30 cards to teach your child the language needed to speak in the future tense. This deck brings together 30 scenarios that a child can look at and quickly predict what might happen next. It therefore becomes easier to teach the language that goes with it. The linguistic concept of using the future tense typically follows the past tense and the present tense – so look out for Brainy Bug decks that teach those earlier concepts. Apart from teaching the linguistic concept of using future tenses, this deck can also help a child who needs cognitive support with understanding the world around him and predicting what might happen next. Each of our resources is created to maximize language development in the formative years. We develop images to match early words and concepts, making our resource the perfect choice for parents, teachers and special educators.
Our cards are designed by child development specialists and therefore closely follow developmental order. This means that children learn language in a very specific sequence; to maximize learning, this order needs to be maintained. All our products are built around the developmental sequence.
Our cards have especially been developed for use in the Indian context. Each image has been designed to remind a child of the real world around them. Use our flashcards as a part of everyday learning. You can also build fun games around flashcards (such as in a memory game) to create additional learning opportunities.


Dimensions 14.15 × 10 cm

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