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“30, 3-part story sequences, learn story sequencing and narrative”-by brainy bug resources

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Quantity 495 in stock

This deck is perfect for children who are speaking in little sentences, and need practice to develop longer descriptions and narrative skills. Story telling skills develop several essential language and cognitive skills such as sequencing, verbal reasoning, and inferencing apart from developing sentence structure and grammar. Use this deck to build 2 or 3 part stories depending on your child’s ability and need. As a fun activity, why not try forming your own end to stories?! Try the Brainy English app on Google PlayStore for an interactive learning experience. Brainy Bug Resources can help develop your child’s language from the single word level right through to sentences, verbal reasoning and conversational skills. Don’t forget to check out our other flashcard decks to get your child started on her learning journey!

Brand Name:-brainy bug resources

Age:-2 to 4

Dimension:- Word families cards: 14.5 x 10 cms


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