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30 answer ‘When?’questions, talk about time-by brainy bug resources

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Quantity 49 in stock

The concept of time is perhaps one of the most difficult linguistic concepts to teach, on account of how abstract and intangible the concept is. This deck has been put together carefully to address these needs. Each concept has been chosen for how depictive it is of a certain time or season, enabling easy answers from the child. The therapist or teacher can then use this as the base to teach more complex concepts of time. The deck has also been assembled to showcase those words in English that are frequently used to depict time and seasons, thus serving as a grammar aid also.
This deck of flashcards is appropriate for use with even very young children. They have been designed by child development specialists and therefore closely follow developmental order. Following the developmental order ensures that we maximise learning ability by harnessing a child’s natural language learning ability. everyday learning. You can also build fun games around flashcards (such as in a memory game) to create additional learning opportunities.
Our flashcards are a brilliant resource for special needs teachers and speech therapists. As a professional, you will find that they meet your teaching needs in very specific ways.
Each card is large, colourful and sturdy, making it perfect for use both at home and in the classroom environment.
Have you tried our Brainy English app on Google Play Store for hundreds of new words and sentences?

Brand Name:-brainy bug resources

Age:-2 to 4

Dimension:- Word families cards: 14.5 x 10 cms

Dimensions 14.5 × 10 cm

Customers reviews

2 Reviews Write a review
  1. Kunal kumar

    Amazing flash cards.

  2. Rasmi sali

    These flashcards are great! My toddler wants them to be read all the time.

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